Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Proposal

Today I think it’s the day,
When I should stop to say-
My Love, what my love is for her.
Should I in the morning? Or-
Later in the evening my love!
How can I propose my love?
Can say with a card and rose!
God! I feel your gravity’s force.
Will she agree or will she deny?
How will I react if she deny?
What should I do if she didn’t deny?
When the sun touches the sea again!
Hope I will say my love, my pain.
Can you hear my heart beats for her?
Besides what language can talk to her!
When the moon is just above the sky,
If she rests her head on my thigh,
Then I will know whether I can fly!
When languages can’t say your love,
Our heart can surely say it my love!

--------------------By Prijith(Artistic wRiter)

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