Friday, November 25, 2011

The One I would Love till i die................ a very short story

AR was very interested in music from his childhood, and all he wanted to become was a guitarist in his very favorite Band! He was a die hard fan of Narender, the vocalist and the leader of the Ellora Band. Everyone in his neighborhood, knows that he plays pretty well, and kids would gather around him, just asking him to play the tunes of all their favorite songs. finally AR felt that he is ready to play in front of his mentor and get a place in the Ellora band. AR started to follow narender, where ever he went, to every concerts he goes, to every hotels he goes, and so on. he can hardly get a glimpse of his hero, but it always energized him, to try more. One day he did meet narender on the pretext getting an autograph, the moment he said he wanted to be a guitarist in his band, a grin came up in narender's face. he felt that all these youngsters always follow money and women, the best way to get them both is by getting fame, and music is not a child's play. he just told him that he is busy now and would listen to him, some other day.

From that day on words, AR started following him with his Guitar bag in the back! but Narender started avoiding him as soon as he get the glimpse of him! In the beginning AR didnt know that, he used to follow his car where ever it went! There was a particular road through which his car goes daily and he used wait there every evening. He had a friend, Priya who was studying in the Arts College situated very near that place, and as soon as Narender avoids him, he will go there to meet her, and on one such day he saw his hero's car parked in front of the college. and he was rushing toward the car, within that a girl who was talking with Priya till that, ran to the car, and go into it! and juu.... went the car!

AR was wondering who that girl was, and he asked priya abt her! she was none other than the daughter of his hero, Jiji! AR was shocked! but he was happy that he has some other means to reach his hero. He asked priya to introduce him to her! Next day Priya was supposed to meet Jiji in a coffee shop, AR planned

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