Sunday, May 26, 2013

Let's Go 4 Lunch 1

any similarity to reality is merely coincidental
Well I do have to give an intro, about whatever I am going to write, if  i expect it to be a story, because “No story starts exactly from the beginning, just like dreams. Eventually we have to assume the beginning and start from somewhere in the middle." So let me help with that assuming part, so that our story can also start right from the middle.
Corporate life is quite boring in most session. But there is one session, which almost everyone enjoy and await, the Lunch session. Well a few await it, because they worked hard in the morning session, and their hunger level is boosted up to the red zone, but most of them awaits it because of the Group of people called as their ‘Lunch Gang’ whom they meet every day during the lunch session. Almost everyone in corporate life, will be a member of a Lunch Gang, if they are not, It’s very bad as they don’t know what they are missing. Anyways about the introduction of the story, Its just a day to day happenings in the lunch sessions of one such Lunch Gang. As simple and short as that.
Arjun, along with his friends Raj and Sheetal, was waiting in the Lift Lobby for the rest of his Lunch gang to join him.

Arjun: "So what was I saying? Yeah! the functioning of the brain, directly depends on the food we take, and the new studies in management says that in order to use his resources efficiently, a manager should try fixing the diet of his subordinates"

Sheetal: "No way! I can't even imagine my manager choosing my lunch. He will choose curd rice since he is a south Indian Brahmin"

Arjun: "It doesnt work like that madam. He is not supposed to choose what he likes, he has to select such foods that will keep your brain active, instead of making you sleepy"

Raj: "So what will you choose, if you were my Manager?"

Arjun: "If it was anybody else, i would say 3 chappathis and a glass of Juice, fresh and Not Soda!!!. But for your condition I prefer you being alive..... than you performing, so I suggest a Full meal " (Raj is a bit skinny)

Raj: Stares at Arjun and turns back to Sheetal "Why are these people taking so much time, i called Suma to come for lunch about 30 minutes ago, and at that time she said to wait for 5 minutes "

Arjun: "I guess her watch is not working may be, try giving her a call again. and ask her to bring Pooja too".

Sheetal calling Suma,...

Suma: "Hey 5 minutes!!!"

Sheetal:"Again?? Is your watch really not working?"

Suma: "One small problem re! will come in 5 minutes! Pakka! "

Sheetal: "Bring Pooja too!! I dont know what she is doing!!"

Suma Hangs up the call

Arjun: "So what was I saying? Yeah! about the manager choosing our diet..."

Sheetal: "Are you not done with that yet? " turns toward Raj "So Raj how is the gym going on?"

Raj: "It was going on fine, but I am not going for the past 2 weeks!"

Sheetal: "Then how do you call it going fine?"

Raj: "Ssshh.. Silence!" and whispers "Look who is coming!"

A girl was coming towards the lift lobby along with her colleagues, It was complete silence all around. None of the guys spoke a word. Both Raj and Sheetal were continuously looking at Arjun, who had just lifted his closed right fist and hit on his left chest. The girl and her lunch gang, got into the Lift and...
"Heart throb passing!!" shouted Arjun

Sheetal: looked at him sarcastically "Gosh Arjun you have a girl friend".

Arjun: "Yeah! and she looks exactly like my sweets who just went now". (Arjun calls the girl sweets)

Raj: "Yeah and also your girl friend lives very far, and hence you would like to do some home work here, 
before meeting her".

Both the guys smiled at each other, Hi5d each other. Sheetal gave a disgusting look at Arjun, and…

Arjun:"Pervert! I never even think about any other girl, than my Girlfriend, its just that whenever I see 
sweets, it reminds me of my Girlfriend and I feel happy.... You know why I call her sweets?".

Both(Together): "Yeah! We all know, because she is not just sweet, but too sweet, hence sweets "

Arjun: smiles in a awkward way and..."Blush Blush!"

Sheetal: "Seriously? Arjun? Seriously? You call this romantic?"

Arjun: "Well technically, I am an Indian, and not a Roman, so i prefer to say Indiantic?" and he waits for people to laugh, he always does that, though there is no way anybody is going to laugh for his PJ.

Sheetal: with a 'can't believe I am alive' look and...."We should call you Mr. PJ".

Arjun: "Well in college days they use to call me Mr. AJ, you know the short form of...."
"Awkward Joke??" Raj Interrupted quickly, he never wants to miss anything against Arjun.

Sheetal and Raj hi5d each other...

Arjun: Changing the topic immediately "Hey guys look who are all here?" Suma and Pooja arived "Looks like someone's watch started working after all!"

Suma: "Sorry guys, some defects showed up, fixing took my time"

Arjun: "To be frank, it took our time as well!"

Sheetal: "What about the rest of the gang in the other building?"

Pooja: "Messaged them all, they all will be on their way to the cafeteria".

Arjun: "So What was I saying, Yeah.... guys do you know the functioning of the brain, directly depends on the food we take,  and the managers....."

Sheetal: "Seriously? Arjun? Seriously.. I thought we are over with that topic, dont bore us like that.."

Arjun: "Aha? Guess what? Let's just go for Lunch, and not talk at all, what say?"

Sheetal:"Fine by me" Pooja: "Fine", Suma and Raj: "Ok!"
And they all got into the lift for a silent lunch session and.....

Pooja: "So Raj, whats for lunch?"

Raj: "Chappathi, sabji!!"

Sheetal: "Ufff the Usual!!"...... and this went on and on and Off...
Untill another session of Lunch
Artistic wRiter

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