Saturday, February 5, 2011

In the way of animal

A Short Story Written by me
(Life is so strange)------ Artistic wRiter

Once in a while I used to visit my native, Kerala. I always used to go in train but this time I was forced to go by Bus, as I didn’t do the reservation work previously. I got my ticket from my travel agent, I got into a Volvo airbus, and I don’t remember the name exactly. After sometime, when the bus was about to leave, a lady hopped in and she had a small ‘Boxer’ (dog) in her hand and she called it spotty (quiet strange! I couldn’t even find a single spot in its body).” Now a days people name their pets, what ever the like!” I exclaimed. The lady threw an ice-cold stare at me. I was dump struck, suddenly the conductor came and informed the lady that she is not supposed bring pets into the bus. The lady showed two tickets and commented that one’s for her and the other one for spotty. And she in fact demanded for a separate seat for the dog. The conductor was shattered and the passenger whose seat was next to the dog got wild and shouted at the lady. (Her seat was in the right side, with three seats berth)

The lady was almost in tears. I had soft corner for pets, (more than that, now for that lady) I stood up and gave lengthy lecture, that animals should be shown some respect, after all they too deserve to live just like any other living organism. The lady’s eyes were filled with tears hearing to my speech (I think she was flattered by my speech) my next target was the guy sitting next to me (my seat was in the left side with two seats berth) I humbly asked him sit in the dog’s, sorry in spotty’s place. And he too agreed. I place spotty next to me and the journey started again, I wondered “why men ill-treat animals?”

Suddenly I saw some kind of wormhole right in the middle of NH-47, could you believe it? The bus went right into the wormhole and everything went dark, when the light was on again I was peeping through a window of a car. I found that whole area was somewhat stinky and re-constructed. All the controls and all the symbols found around were re-shaped. The car was traveling in some kind of highway. I thought to see who was riding with me. But I cant; some one was holding my neck. Another Car suddenly over took us and it was swifter. It was a strange looking car with just 3 tires. My car accelerated and neared that car. A dog was sitting in the driver seat and it was in fact driving the car, the steering and all the other part of the car was different from ordinary cars. It steering was like a pogo stick with two holes in between, two to insert the two hands of the dog for a grip. The dog stretched its neck outside and barked, and sped past us. I could hear some more barking noise, which was inside my car.

The car entered some kind of strange looking city. All the shops and all the buildings had something different in them. I saw a cobbler’s shop where instead of one pair of shoe, two pairs where hanged. There were different kinds of shoes. One type was small and cubic, one was oval shaped, and another one was huge and square shaped and so on. Suddenly I had a look at the shopkeeper in a grocery shop nearby, he was sorry; it was a big ox wearing a shirt and dhoti. He looks like my neighbor madhavan, ha ha ha, we used to call him “an ox”. I saw a huge Elephant crossing the road, wearing a madisaar saree, when our car stopped in a signal. It looked just like our computer teacher (hey no offence) ha ha in fact she was still fatter! Anyway I was wondering what crazy things are going on in this world, what happened to all the human beings. I think I am the only human around.

The car entered a domestic region. There I saw more shocking things. There was a human tied in front of each house. I saw a cart, which was dragged by a man, and riding on it was a fatty horse. I know its strange, but its true! trust me. I hope the wormhole brought me to a world where humans are treated as animals.

The car entered a house. The house name was “Big Boxer’s”, written in the main gate. I think I am a pet of big dog family. The doors opened and some one was pulling my neck. I had a collar strap around my neck and a big dog, which looks exactly like spotty, held the chain connected to it. I refused to come out and the dog came near and bit my nose. I screamed in pain, now the dog started licking all over my face. I closed my eyes, when I opened my eyes again I found spotty licking my face, sitting next to me. I left the dog down and said, “shoo shooo” asking it to go away from me. All the passengers in the bus were woken up by the noise I made, and now they were all laughing at me, including that lady. The whole damn thing was just a dream after all and thank god that I alone knew it.

     Life is so strange isn’t it?

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