Friday, February 4, 2011

The Shadows of the lights

A New Story Written By Me... Please read the Preface and comment... will encourage me to complete the story!


                The shadows of the lights are the reflection of the life of many lies hidden behind the shadows of many people. Shadows are those image casted by the light on any objects its falls on, lies are pretty similar to this, truths are like the stars in the sky, some are very clear and seen to everyone, where as some are hidden to strangers and only close one knows. Some truths are very normal, it does not affect any if told, but some have great effects, it falls on the victim and many times cast its shadows of lies and moves ahead. Literally there are only a very few who bears this effects and still sticks to the truth. There is nothing new about the things I am telling now; it’s all very well known to us, but still I have to make sure that everyone knows what I meant about the title. So that concludes the title explanation.
                The story is about the life of few young people having kept their first footstep in the outside world, their college life far from their house. It includes everything that can happen in a college life, making friends and making enemies, gangs, freaking out, ragging, falling in love, real love, fake love,  victorious love, and clash between students, gangs, and friends too. This one covers everything. The story goes on well in a new fashioned college life, but this doesn’t have anything to do with the title of the shadows of the lights. Of course there are many truths hidden in college life, but my story too hides something from you till the first half of the story.
                I can’t say that there are no heroes in this story; there is one whose identity is not revealed till the second half of the story. There are huge bunch of guys in this story, whose life will be observed throughout the story, but there is one guy who holds the major share of the shadows (lies) of the story. Once the true light is revealed the adventure part of the story will start. The adventure may be illogical or hard to happen, but in life there is always an exception
                But above all the story shows the true colours of the common life, just like college, it teach us the values of friendship, in what ways a friends shoulders can be used, to lay on it when we are desperate, to hold on to when we need to get up, to thrust on when we are in pressure and to push forward when we need a leader. It shows the pure feeling of true love, besides there is nothing called a fake love, it’s just infatuation; it brings back all the joys of college to the one who left, enhances the life of the ones who are still in it and shows a piece of future of the one who are yet to keep their first footstep outside...

                                .................................... A story that what should have happened in my life too

Artistic wRiter


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