Friday, February 4, 2011

A wrong crime story

The Script of a Drama we did in our college function last year! though its not rib tickling... hope there are few who laugh reading this!
Written by Artistic wRiter
Character Name
Prijith Kr


Vinod Kumar

T1 Pradeep

Ward Boy

Dead Man
Eby Fransis
Girl friend

Jinu Paul


Director:  welcome my dear friends and staffs. Today we are gonna play a drama here. The speciality         of this drama is that all the students who have bunked the class to practice for this drama
    Has bunked the drama too
    And hence we were forced to find few other good students and teach them everything
                    And they are gonna show their talent here.... Mam I will also give the list of those guys
    Who bunked after the drama. Now lets start the drama

Director: hey doctor! You can come to the stage.....
[There is a confusion between the Doctor and the Dead Man on deciding who should come out...the director said that the one in left is the doctor and should come to the stage now. When the doctor reached the stage, he gets the stage fear in his nerve and ran away.... the director pushed him back to the stage... and finally the drama begins]

Doctor: tin tin, peon send in the next paitient....
Director: shh! Hey I told u that we don’t have peon, the actor didn’t come.
Doctor: oh is that so? Ok what about nurse? Every doctor has a nurse for...
Director: hey we don’t have much actors, stop asking me questions, don’t forget that u r in the stage
Doctor: [looks toward the people] ayyo! He he he...
Director: send the body and the girl friend.
[Two people enters the stage carrying the dead body, left him on the table and the girl friend comes along crying]
Doctor:[to the girl] Hai! How are you?

Girl friend:[happily] hai I am not fine, meet my boyfriend, he is just now..
Director: hey what is this? He is your boy friend and he is dead, u have to say the dialogue sadly,
                 Didn’t I tell u that?

Girl friend: oh! [sadly] I am not fine doctor, this is my boy friend, and He is dead!

Doctor:  Wait let me the check!
[Doctor keeps the stethoscope and checks! Cant figure out. Finally he removes his socks , keeps it on the dead man’s  nose..]

Doctor: no reaction! Yes he is dead!

Girl friend: he was killed by a brutal beast, who does....[forgets the dialogue]

Director:[saying fast] who does illegal activity of hunting, killing rain dear horns, the skins of lions, the ivory of the tall Indian elephants, star tortoise, illegally mined diamonds from Kohinoor, the government banned leather garments drinks, which is highly illegal and must be punished under the Indian penal code 001,002,003 etc [leaving a deep breath]

[the Dead man rolling here and there.. Girl friend controlling him, He complains that there is lots of ants around]

Girl friend: [stares at the director for few seconds] Yeah yeah whatever he told...copy that..

Doctor:[thinking too hard and then] Can u repeat that again...?

Director: hey shh! He is a bad guy ok? thats enough... move to the next dialog

Doctor: oh! Ok so how did this happen?

Girlfriend:  I think we need a flash back...... [Both looks upside]

Director:[loudly] Freeze!
[Everyone stood frozen! he came on to the stage drags the doctor and girl friend to the side of the stage and there was a loud snoring sound heard, and the director found the dead man sleeping.... he kicked his back and asked the dead man to stand up!  The dead man woke up yawning....while the Villain enters...]

Director: [while rushing to get down the stage] Action!

Villain: hello mister All Fry... Beef fry....

Director: Its Alfred Wilfred Disosa

Villain: Hello Mister Alfred..  Beef Fry... Picasa..

Director:[slowly] Its Alfred Wilfred Disosa

Villain: Mister Alfred Beef Fry Dicasa

Director: Ah... Tell what ever you want!

Dead Man: yes!

Villain: Where is my...... [forgets the dialogue]

Director:  where is my red blue red blue ruby studded, platinum plated, diamond covered gold jewel?

Villain: what? I told you, I cant tell that one...

Director: hey who is the director here... you must tell my red blue red blue ruby studded, platinum plated, diamond covered gold jewel (bending down) please... 

Villain:[leaves a big breath] where is my bla bla bla bla bla bla bla kla kla kla diamond bla bla jewel?

 Dead Man: I don’t get it

Director: See he didn’t understand! Tell it again.

[villain stares at the dead man]

Dead man:[shouts] no no! I mean I didn’t get it from any one....

Villain: you cheater... (forgets the dialog)

Director:[slowly] already u have taken away something from me!

Both Villain & Dead Man says: already u have taken away something from me!

Director: Ada no no! one of you alone tell the dialog!

Both: ok! (looks at each other) already u have taken away something from me!

Director: Oh god! Let the villain alone say it!

Villain: already u have taken away something from me!...(looks at the director for the next dialog)

Director: Now you are lying??

Villain: Now you are lying??(looks at the director)

Director: I will kill you

Villain:  I will kill you (again looks at the director)

Director: why are you looking at me?  Hey take the gun and fire at him....

[looks here and there shamefully]

Villain: Sir I forgot the Gun, its on the table....

Director: oh god! Ok don’t worry I will come there unseen and provide u the gun... Freeze [He covers his face with paper and enters the stage] don’t worry no one can see me! [he gave the gun to the villain and said] action!.

[Villain aimed the gun at the director who screamed and ran out of the stage, the villain got afraid and dropped the gun, the dead man takes the gun and returned it back]

Director: Fire!

[villain shot at the dead man several time jumping up and down, but nothing happened]

Director: arrey you are shot! U r supposed to fall down and die...

[Villain falls down and dies]

Director: God!!!.. you are the one who shot how can u die? Hey u dead man! Fall down and die.

[Villain gets up]

 Dead Man: Ok? Ready? Ayyo[ he falls down and dies]

Director: freeze![ he enters and drag the villain outside and made the dead man lie on the table and made both the doctor and girl friend to stand in their old place seeing upwards] Action

Girl friend: [looking at the doctor] this is what happened doctor!

Doctor: So why are u here? U should have gone to the police station.

Girl friend: I don’t know doc! this is what written in my script, it says you should call the police.

[Doctor calls the police, the police man calls back and tells that the villain has been captured]
[A constable enters the stage along with a bounded villain]

Director: Note: - Since there was no special costumes both inspector and constable carries a board written inspector and constable, please have some imagination

Constable: Excuse me Madam!

Girl Friend: Yes!

Constable: I cought him, while running away from a petti kada not giving money, he running, I think he only killed ur husband

Girl Friend: I don’t know sir, I have never seen the killer

Constable oh! [to the Villain 2] hey you! Aren’t u the one who killed this dead body?

Villain 2: How can I kill a dead body sir?

Constable: Didn’t u kill him before the dead body become a dead body?

Villain 2: No sir! I was just drinking goli soda, didn’t have money, u caught me!

Constable: hey u don’t tell that ah! Madam look at his size, he very big! he is the villain

Girl Friend: [While flirting with the Doc] I don’t know

Villain 2: ha ha ha !

Constable: See even laugh like a villain

[ siren sounds.... Inspector enters with true villain]

Inspector: What’s going on here? Who is this guy? Looking at villain 2

Constable: Sir he is the killer.

Inspector: no no he is the killer!

[Dead man ran towards the villain and tells that he is the killer, doc beats him and brings hi m back to sleep]

Constable: Sir its really him, tell da...

Villain 2: No sir! I was just drinking goli soda, didn’t have money, he caught me!

Constable: da....

Inspector:  Shut up! Excuse me Madam; can u say who the villain is?

Girl Friend:  [Screaming aah... ] Its him [pointing towards the real villain]

Constable: How can u say that? U never saw the crime.. Hey u! Tell aren’t u the killer.

Villain 2: No madam! I was just drinking goli soda, didn’t have money, he caught me!

Girl friend: Shut Up! Nooooo! its him[again pointing to the real villain]

Constable: How do u know that?

Girl Friend: Yes I know!

Constable U never saw the crime, how can u be so sure?

Girl Friend: I am sure..

Constable: Give me one good reason that he killed ur boy friend..

Girl friend: Because.... he is my husband.

[Everyone gets shocked, including the dead body who gets up, the real villain shamefully shaking his head]

Inspector: So dear friends... Please avoid going  to other people’s girl friend and wife, the husbands may appear at any time...

The End

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