Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lets Go 4 Lunch 2

Any similarity to reality is merely coincidental
Well I do have to give an intro, about whatever I am going to write, if  i expect it to be a story, because “No story starts exactly from the beginning, just like dreams. Eventually we have to assume the beginning and start from somewhere in the middle.” So let me help with that assuming part, so that our story can also start right from the middle.
Corporate life is quite boring in most session. But there is one session, which almost everyone enjoy and await, the Lunch session. Well a few await it, because they worked hard in the morning session, and their hunger level is boosted up to the red zone, but most of them awaits it because of the Group of people called as their ‘Lunch Gang’ whom they meet every day during the lunch session. Almost everyone in corporate life, will be a member of a Lunch Gang, if they are not, It’s very bad as they don’t know what they are missing. Anyways about the introduction of the story, Its just a day to day happenings in the lunch sessions of one such Lunch Gang. As simple and short as that.

Suma, Raj, Sheetal and Pooja waiting for the Lift in the lobby…. Arjun just arrived
Suma: “Compliance breaker!”

Arjun: “What?”

Suma: “You are not following the dress code!”

Arjun: “Isn’t it Friday today, what? Am I not allowed to wear T-Shirts, teacher?”

Suma: “T-Shirts are allowed, Agreed! But don’t you know, you shouldn’t wear Round neck T shirts?, only collared ones are allowed”

Arjun: “Then why the hell are you wearing a round neck T-Shirt?” Arjun pointed at Pooja
Pooja: “I am a girl, I am allowed to wear them!”

Arjun: “C’mon! You girls can wear anything on any day, and still call it casual, formal, or any other name you want, and still they call this a male chauvinist world, Pity though! ”

Sheetal: “Don’t change the topic, why are you wearing round neck?”

Arjun: “Whats wrong with you people? Nobody in our office follows this rule, if nobody follows it, then I am nobody!”

Raj: “So have you messaged everyone to come for lunch? Its already peak hour! It will be difficult to get the table, so ask them to come fast”

Pooja: “Look who is speaking about coming fast, I think your girlfriend’s phone is switched off, thats why you are here at the right time”

Raj: “She is having college today!”

Pooja: “That’s better!”

The Gang members got into the lift and are about to reach the cafeteria,  the rest of the gang Karan and Sunil were waiting there.
Suma: “So what about helmet?”

Arjun: “What’s wrong with helmet?”

Suma: “I hope you know that there is a Helmet rule in the office. That one should wear a helmet if they are to park their bike inside the office compound?”

Arjun: “Yeah!…  and for your kind information, I wear my helmet everyday!”

Suma: “So, since nobody follows that rule either, we too don’t have to follow it, right?”

Arjun: “How can you say that nobody follows it, when I just said, I wear my helmet every day? Besides, don’t you see so many helmets here?” Arjun pointed on the helmets hanging on the bikes (They have just reached the bike stand, opposite to the cafeteria)
Karan: “What’s wrong with these two? Looks like they are arguing over something.”

Sheetal: “No re! It’s just the typical Suma thing! Arjun just denied something she said, and now she HAS to prove herself correct failing which she won’t be able to digest her food!!”

Karan: “Ha ha ha!! Poor Arjun! I hope he knows, eventually he has to give up!” Both laughed, as they know that Karan’s prediction is inevitable in this regard. That’s a typical ‘Suma’ thing.
(Back to the “Suma Vs Arjun” conversation…)
Suma: “You know, most of them never wear helmet on the road while driving; they just wear it when they reach the main gate of the office, just to gain entrance”

Arjun: “Well I have the brain that knows its should be protected out there on the road more , and not inside the 20kmph speed limited office road”

Suma: “So do you agree, even if nobody follows the rules… You should?”

Arjun:”Sorry Mam! You said most of them don’t follow that rule, and as far as I know ‘nobody’ should include all of them”

Suma: “But…”

Arjun: Interrupts and Turns to the rest of the gang “C’mon guys can somebody talk about anything other than helmets”

Karan(Totally confused): “What’s wrong with helmet?”

Arjun: “I know what’s wrong with helmet, its name!”

Karan: (looking at Arjun curiously) “What’s wrong with the name?”

Arjun (whenever Arjun doesn’t get a single word PJ, he tries deliberately to make one, which is followed by a detailed explanation, and this is one such example): ”I think should be called ‘Earth-Met’, or at least anti-‘Hell-Met’ rather than ‘Hell-Met’, Besides the sole purpose of we wearing it is for, us to not meet Hell right? ”

Karan:”Wow!! What a load of crap! The worst wasted  one minute in my life!”

Arjun(Grinning): “Thank you, Thank you!” Arjun always considers people getting irritated on his PJs as his success.
Suma: “I am not going to speak to you, until you agree that all rules are laid with purpose, and should be followed!” Suma kept her right thumb behind her upper Incisor teeth, and forced the thumb out. This is how she signals not speaking to someone(She calls it “The Katti”)
Arjun:” Seriously? Ok, you follow all the rules, and guess what? Next year, they will give you the ‘Nobel Prize’ for following all the Rules”

Suma: “Ha ha ha.. Very funny!” Turns to the rest of the gang and.. “Can someone tell this guy, that I am not speaking to him?
Arjun:”So which rule do you think I should follow?”

Suma: “All the rules!”

Arjun: “Aha!! Guys, look who is speaking to me now!” Suma gets angry and folds her hand.
Everybody got their lunch, and settled down around a table
Arjun: “So Raj, have you sent the approval mail to the client, yesterday from my system?”

Suma: “Looks like someone doesn’t know that password sharing is also against compliance?”

Arjun(Trying for a victory smile): “Looks like someone forgot, that nobody follows that rule either.”

Raj(Waiting for them to finish their conversation): “Yeah re! In fact, I sent the mail today also.

Arjun(Shocked about what he just heard ):“What? Why did you send the mail today? 
Raj: “Well I saw the manager asking you to mail the client today too, and just like yesterday you were busy with the Testing guys, I had your password, so I sent the mail”

Arjun: “OMG!! I was supposed to send approval, only if it was possible. Do you know what you have done? Since you have sent the approval mail, I have to finish all the requirements by today, which is next to impossible”

Everyone was staring at Raj; and Suma laughed loudly to irritate Arjun
Suma: “Looks like someone learned their lesson!”

Arjun(with a pissed off look): “Ok! I agree, rules are laid with purpose, and we must follow it!
Suma was Happy that Arjun agreed to her point
Karan(turning towards Sheetal): “I told you, he will have to give in
Sheetal: “We all know, he would”

They all finished their lunch, and started towards their corresponding work location
Suma: “Hey I am going to Mumbai tonight, can you take the printout of my ticket? I don’t have printer access”

Arjun (thought for a while)“Well guess what Suma? Taking personal printouts are also against the company rules, so… I am sorry I can’t do that and I also hope that you won’t ask anybody else for this either, I know you care for the rules so much and you will go out and get it printed!!
This silenced Suma as she couldn’t say anything in response, and Arjun( and the others too) just kept on laughing and Off….
Untill another session of Lunch
Artistic Ryter

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