Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lets Go 4 Lunch 4

Any similarity to reality is merely coincidental
Well I do have to give an intro, about whatever I am going to write, if  i expect it to be a story, because “No story starts exactly from the beginning, just like dreams. Eventually we have to assume the beginning and start from somewhere in the middle.” So let me help with that assuming part, so that our story can also start right from the middle.
Corporate life is quite boring in most sessions. But there is one session, which almost everyone enjoy and await, the Lunch session. Well a few await it, because they worked hard in the morning session, and their hunger level is boosted up to the red zone, but most of them awaits it because of the Group of people called as their ‘Lunch Gang’ whom they meet every day during the lunch session. Almost everyone in corporate life, will be a member of a Lunch Gang, if they are not, It’s very bad as they don’t know what they are missing. Anyways about the introduction of the story, Its just a day to day happenings in the lunch sessions of one such Lunch Gang. As simple and short as that.

1 hour before the lunch session, Arjun visited Pooja in her desk.
Arjun: ” Hey Poo!!”

Pooja: “You! Don’t call me that.”

Arjun: “What is it Poo? you don’t like the name Poo! or you don’t like me calling you.. ‘Poo’? Why Poo?”

Pooja: “Seriously I don’t like that name; it reminds me of my bad days in college!”

Arjun: “C’mon is this the best you’ve got? to stop me calling you that? Take a note Pooo…”(Pooja stares at him angrily)”…Jaa. If you don’t want your friends to do something, you should never tell them that you don’t like it.”

Pooja: “Why?”

Arjun (frustrated): “Because, if they know that you don’t like it, then they will do it more than usual, just to irritate you. It’s human Nature… Poooooo…Jaa!”

Pooja(Looks at Arjun in an understanding way): “Oh..k, Actually I don’t have any problem with that Name!”

Arjun (LOL): “I can’t say how cute this is! But seriously Poo…ja, saying that you actually don’t have any problem, won’t make me think that you don’t have any problem.”

Pooja(frowning): “So what should I do, to stop you telling the other guys, that I don’t like that Name?”

Arjun (with an Evil smile): “Actually I never had any idea of telling the gang about this, but now that you asked, I do have a work for you?”

Pooja: “what?”

Arjun:” You know that girl Priya? Sitting over there?” (Pointing at Priya’s desk) “Her friends are all transferred to some other location and I think she is going for lunch alone?”

Pooja: “So?” (Arjun winked at her) “Don’t tell me you want to add her to our gang! and why sudden concern about her? You left Sweets or what?” (Sweets is a girl working in Arjun’s office, who resembles his girlfriend)

Arjun: “Hell! No! Don’t think of me like that! Sweets is always Sweets” (Pooja gave him a pity look) “Ok leave that, I just wanted to add her because I feel bad for her, just imagine all of us gone, and you alone working here? Won’t you expect some other nice gang to give you a warm shelter?”

Pooja(looks like she is moved): “Ok, now what do you want me to do? want me to speak to her?”

Arjun: “Well actually I have 2 jobs for you! one is to talk her in and the other is to prevent Sheetal from knowing that we literally recruited this girl to our gang! You know that she doesn’t like it”

Pooja: “Woh Woh!! Stop it! I can’t do both the work”

Arjun: “So what do you want to do?”

Pooja: “I will prevent Sheetal from knowing the truth!”

Arjun: “What? You want me to speak to the girl? No ways!”

Pooja: “Ask Suma’s help then?”

Arjun: “What? you want me to speak to Suma, to speak the girl? No ways!”

15 minutes later, Arjun in Suma’s desk!
Arjun: “Hey Sumo!”
Suma: “Yeah say..”

Arjun (Thought to himself “Crap! Calling names doesn’t work on Suma, like Pooja; looks like I have to ask for her help directly”): “You see I need small favour from you”

Suma (busy working):”What?”

Arjun: “You know that girl Priya….” And he explained the whole thing!

Suma: “What if Sheetal comes to know about this?”

Arjun: “C’mon! Sheetal is not that against it” (Suma just lifted her head away from the monitor and stared at Arjun “Ok! I know, Poo..ja is helping me with that?

Suma: “Poo… Ja? Why you calling her Pooja? it’s actually you who kept her name as Poo!”

Arjun: “Well eventually, she doesn’t like that name” (oops!)

Suma(Smiling): “Oh she doesn’t like that name ha?”

Arjun: “Hey now don’t do this to me! Poo..ja promised to help me if I didn’t reveal that she doesn’t like that name ‘Pooo’ ”

Suma: “Well i know it now! and I haven’t promised her”

Arjun: “Don’t mess with it, at least till I recruit this girl”

Suma: “Ok! but you have to speak to the girl yourself!”

Arjun: “What? You want me to speak to the girl? No ways!”

15 minutes later, Arjun in Priya’s desk!
Arjun: “Hey Hi!”

Priya: “Hi!!” She stares at Arjun, thinking hard to remember his name;But in vain…

Arjun(with a  ‘Don’t know what I am doing here’ look): “I am Arjun, friend of Pooja, who in turn is friends with your friend Roma, who just got transferred”

Priya: “Yeah I remember you, just forgot your name!”

Arjun: “Very bad, that all of your friends got transferred!”

Priya: “That’s so sweet of you!”

Arjun: “So with whom are you going for lunch? Got any new gang?”

Priya: “Not a Gang actually, but I do have a friend, she promised to come with me for lunch from tomorrow”

Arjun was about to say something, suddenly he heard a voice…
“Hey wait!”
“Oh! You again! My conscience?”
“Yeah! How are you planning to ask this girl to join us? Didn’t you hear her saying that she has a friend coming for lunch with her”
“Technically that friend has another gang of her own, whom she would have been eating with, for these many days”
“Well! she has to join a new gang, why would she join a better one, which is ours?”
“How are you gonna make her think, our gang is better?”
“I am going to tempt her!”

Arjun(to Priya): “You see, we have a group of people, who eat together in harmony, we have 2 guys who cooks very well(Karan and me), a girl who cares for others so much(Sheetal), a very Intelligent girl(Pooja), a very disciplined girl(Suma) and finally 2 handsome guys(Raj and Sunil)”

Priya: “Are you trying to tempt me to join your lunch gang?”

Arjun( thought to himself Busted! Damn it! She saw right through me“): “No way! Why do you think like that? I was just about to inform you, that you can join this wonderful, fun loving gang, any time!”

Priya: “Still trying to tempt me?”

Arjun: “Stop telling that! You don’t know what you would are missing, unless you try it? Just join us for lunch today, and you can decide”

Priya: “mmmh.. Anyway I am eating alone today, so Ok!”

15 minutes later, Arjun and Priya waiting in the lift lobby, for the rest of the gang to join, Sheetal just arrived with Pooja, Raj and Suma
Sheetal (Surprised to see Priya): “Hey Hi Priya!”

Priya: “Hi guys!”

Suma (to Arjun): “You talked her in?”

Arjun(Whispers): “No re! I just asked her to try eating with us, and then decide; So I want all of you to behave well”

Sheetal (to Arjun): “Why is she here?” Arjun stared at Pooja

Pooja: “Her friend’s got transferred; she is joining us for lunch, Just for Today!”

Sheetal: “Ok!”

They all got into the lift and reached the cafeteria, Karan and Sunil joined there. Pooja was speaking to Raj in hindi.
Arjun: “Hey isn’t Milk referred to as feminine in Hindi?”

Pooja: “No re! Its Masculine! Its Doodh tha, and not Dhoodh thi!”

Arjun: “Oh! But I think it would have been easy to remember if it was feminine!”

Sheetal: “Why?”

Arjun (feeling Shy): “No! I can’t tell that in front of girls!”

Priya (listening to all these): “I think what he meant was; since milk comes from cow, and cow is feminine, so Milk should also be feminine”

Arjun: “Wow! it sounds so decent when you used the Cow!!!”

Sheetal: “What did you think then! Arjuuunn?” They all started laughing, except Priya

Pooja: “Eeeww!!”

Priya (was Ashamed to be in the conversation): “Hey guys! Just got a message from my friend, asking me to join her for lunch, so sorry! I gotta go!” (and she ran from there as fast as she could)

Sheetal: “Look at her go! Looks like you are the real Pervert today!”

Arjun: “What? I mean’t Kangaroo! instead of cow! is that wrong!”

Pooja: “Stop it yaar! Looks like she could bear with us all, except your PJs”

Arjun: “What PJ? Hey thanks for the tip Poooo…” Pooja stared at him “Aah stare as long as you want Poo!” turns to the gangs “Hey guys! do you know someone doesn’t like to be called Poo?

Pooja (raising her voice): “No! I have no problem!”

Suma: “Is that so Poo?”

Raj: “Hey! Hi Poo!”

Sheetal: “Hello Poo!”

Karan: “Lets go for Lunch Poo!”

Sunil: “Looking good Poo!”

Arjun: “Com’on Poo!”

and they kept on calling calling her Poo! and Off…

Untill another session of Lunch

Artistic wRiter

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