Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Best Friend

Sometimes in life, when alone,
Eager to share, things we known,
None at your side, can annoy,
Only resort is to Try.
So many friends, we make ours,
Everyone is, unique flowers,
Nobody can, give you back,
Or reset time, you lost track.
Since we have met, I am not alone.
Even in dusk, sun didn’t go down.
Narrow was my mind, couldn’t see –
Over the Edge, You made me free.
You are the ear –
When I want someone to hear.
And you are the tears,
Which falls, ever I lose my cheers.
You are the host, for my Happiness,
And the antagonist, for my sadness.
The comrade, for my madness,
And the mentor for my Awesomeness.
So what if, we are not siblings,
We are besties, the best of bondings.
Artistic Ryter

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